Breathtakingly Beautiful: Discover the Emotive Lyrics to the Beloved Hymn 'This Is My Story, This Is My Song'


Are you in need of some inspiration? Do you want to uplift your spirits and find solace in beautiful words? Look no further than the beloved hymn This Is My Story, This Is My Song. Its emotive lyrics have been cherished by millions for over a century.

Did you know that this hymn was written by Fanny Crosby, one of the most prolific hymn writers of all time? She wrote over 8,000 hymns in her lifetime, despite being blind from infancy. This Is My Story, This Is My Song is just one of her many masterpieces.

The beauty of this hymn lies in its simplicity. The opening line Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine is a powerful declaration of faith that resonates with believers around the world. It sets the tone for the rest of the hymn, which is a celebration of the Christian life.

The chorus is especially uplifting, with its repetition of the phrase This is my story, this is my song. It reminds us that our life is a testimony to God's goodness and grace.

The hymn also includes references to biblical stories such as the parable of the lost sheep, which adds depth and meaning to the lyrics. It's no wonder that This Is My Story, This Is My Song has become a staple in churches and Christian gatherings everywhere.

If you're feeling down or struggling with your faith, take a moment to listen to this hymn or read its lyrics. Let its beautiful words fill you with hope and inspiration. You'll be amazed at how much comfort it can bring.

In conclusion, Fanny Crosby's This Is My Story, This Is My Song is a truly breathtaking hymn that has stood the test of time. Its emotive lyrics continue to inspire and uplift people all over the world. So if you're looking for a pick-me-up and a reminder of God's love, look no further than this beloved hymn.

Breathtakingly Beautiful: Discover the Emotive Lyrics to the Beloved Hymn 'This Is My Story, This Is My Song'

There are many hymns that have stood the test of time, and 'This Is My Story, This Is My Song' is one of them. The song has captivated audiences for over a century with its emotive lyrics and beautiful melody. It's a hymn that speaks to the heart in a way that few others can.

The Story Behind 'This Is My Story, This Is My Song'

The story behind 'This Is My Story, This Is My Song' is a poignant one. The song was written by Fanny Crosby, who was blind from a young age. Despite her blindness, Crosby had an incredible gift for writing hymns, and 'This Is My Story, This Is My Song' is one of her most beloved works. The hymn was inspired by Crosby's deep faith and her personal testimony. She saw her blindness as a blessing in disguise because it allowed her to focus all her attention on God.

The Line-by-Line Comparison

'This Is My Story, This Is My Song' Line Meaning and Interpretation Opinion
This is my story, this is my song, The singer is declaring that their story is inseparable from their song of praise to God. The opening line immediately draws the listener in and sets the tone for the rest of the hymn.
Praising my Savior all the day long; The singer is making a commitment to praise their Savior from morning until night. The repetition of 'praising' emphasizes the importance of continuous worship.
This is my story, this is my song, Reiterating that the singer's story is intertwined with their song of praise to God. The repetition of this line adds to the unity of the hymn.
Praising my Savior all the day long. A reaffirmation of the singer's commitment to praising their Savior throughout the day. The final repetition of the chorus adds a sense of closure to the hymn.
Perfect submission, perfect delight, The singer is describing a state of complete surrender to God, which brings immense joy. The use of 'perfect' emphasizes the completeness of the surrender and the resulting delight.
Visions of rapture now burst on my sight; The singer is describing a moment of intense spiritual experience, where they feel overwhelmed with joy. The use of 'burst' and 'rapture' add to the emotional intensity of the line.
Angels descending bring from above The singer is describing a vision of angels descending from heaven to bring blessings from God. The image of angels descending adds to the grandness of the moment being described.
Echoes of mercy, whispers of love. The singer is describing the sounds that accompany the vision of the angels, which represent God's grace and love. The use of 'echoes' and 'whispers' adds to the otherworldly feel of the line.
Perfect submission, all is at rest, The singer is describing a sense of peace and calm that comes with complete surrender to God. The repetition of the phrase 'perfect submission' adds to the emphasis of the line.
I in my Savior am happy and blest; The singer is expressing their happiness and contentment in their relationship with God. The use of 'happy and blest' adds an uplifting note to the hymn.

The Emotional Impact of 'This Is My Story, This Is My Song'

One of the reasons why 'This Is My Story, This Is My Song' remains such a beloved hymn is its emotional impact. The lyrics and melody work together to create a powerful sense of awe and wonder. From the declaration of the singer's story being their song, to the breathtaking visions of rapture and angels descending, the song takes listeners on a journey of faith and surrender. The emotions that are conveyed in the hymn are timeless and resonant with people of all ages and backgrounds.

The Timeless Relevance of 'This Is My Story, This Is My Song'

Fanny Crosby wrote 'This Is My Story, This Is My Song' over a hundred years ago, but the message of the hymn remains as relevant as ever. The call to surrender to God and find joy in pleasing Him is a universal message that transcends time and culture. The hymn serves as a reminder that regardless of our circumstances, we can always find hope and happiness in our relationship with God.

The Final Verdict: Breathtakingly Beautiful

'This Is My Story, This Is My Song' is an emotive and powerful hymn that has stood the test of time. From its origins in the story of a blind woman's deep faith, to its everlasting relevance in today's world, the hymn continues to captivate audiences with its beauty and meaning. Its line-by-line comparison reveals the depth of thought and emotion that went into crafting every phrase. The hymn is truly breathtakingly beautiful, and will likely continue to be sung for generations to come.

Dear blog visitors,Thank you for taking the time to discover the beauty and emotion behind the beloved hymn, 'This Is My Story, This Is My Song'. We hope that our writing has inspired you to delve deeper into the lyrics and appreciate the faith and surrender expressed in them. Let us never take for granted the power of music and how it connects us to a higher power. May these words bring comfort and hope to your heart, and remind you of the love and grace that are always with us.Sincerely,The Breathtakingly Beautiful Team

Here are some common questions people also ask about the beloved hymn 'This Is My Story, This Is My Song':

  1. What is the history of the hymn?

    'This Is My Story, This Is My Song' was written by Fanny Crosby in 1873. She was inspired to write it after visiting a friend's home and playing a tune on the family's piano. The words flowed into her mind as she played, and she wrote them down as soon as she could.

  2. What is the meaning behind the lyrics?

    The hymn is a testimony to the faith and hope that Crosby had in Jesus Christ. The chorus, Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine, expresses her confidence in her salvation and her joy in knowing Him. The verses go on to describe how she has found peace and rest in Him, even in the midst of trials and struggles.

  3. What are some other hymns written by Fanny Crosby?

    Crosby was one of the most prolific hymn writers of all time, having penned over 8,000 hymns in her lifetime. Some of her other well-known hymns include To God Be the Glory, All the Way My Savior Leads Me, and Rescue the Perishing.

  4. What is the tune for 'This Is My Story, This Is My Song'?

    The tune is called Blessed Assurance, and was written by Phoebe Knapp, a close friend of Crosby's. It was specifically composed to accompany the lyrics of this hymn.

  5. Why is this hymn so beloved?

    Many people are drawn to the simple yet powerful message of the hymn, as well as the catchy melody. The lyrics speak to the universal human longing for peace and purpose, and offer a message of hope and assurance in the midst of life's challenges. Additionally, Crosby's personal story of overcoming adversity and relying on her faith to sustain her has inspired many people throughout the years.