Resolving the Plot: Discovering the Power of Resolution in an Epic Storyline


Resolving the Plot: Discovering the Power of Resolution in an Epic Storyline

Have you ever read a book or watched a movie with an unsatisfying ending? You invested hours in the plot, only to be left feeling disappointed and unfulfilled. The answer to this problem lies in the power of resolution.

Don't believe me? Let's look at some statistics. According to a survey, 80% of readers agree that a satisfying ending is essential to the overall enjoyment of a story. Additionally, movies with well-crafted endings have a higher chance of receiving critical acclaim and becoming box office hits.

So, what exactly is resolution? It's the moment of closure in a story where loose ends are tied up, conflicts are resolved, and characters find their place in the world again. It's the payoff for the reader/viewer's investment in the story. Without it, a story can leave us feeling empty and that it was a waste of time.

Think of Harry Potter. Would the series have been as beloved if the final battle with Voldemort wasn't epic and satisfying? And what about The Lord of the Rings? Would it have been as successful if we didn't see Frodo and Sam finally make it home to the Shire?

For writers, understanding the importance of resolution is crucial for crafting a successful story. Every plot point, character arc, and conflict should lead to a satisfying conclusion. This doesn't necessarily mean a happy ending, but it does mean that the reader/viewer should feel satisfied with the resolution given.

In conclusion, resolution is the key to a successful storyline. Without it, the journey through the plot feels unfulfilled and unfinished. As a reader/viewer, demand resolution from the stories you consume. And as a writer, remember that a well-crafted ending is just as important as an engaging beginning.

So, the next time you're about to start a new book or movie, ask yourself this: Will the story provide a satisfying resolution? If not, maybe it's not worth your investment.

Resolving the Plot: Discovering the Power of Resolution in an Epic Storyline

Introduction: What is Resolution?

Resolution, in literature, refers to the part of the story where the conflicts are sorted out, and the characters achieve their goals. It provides a sense of closure, tying up loose ends and leaving the reader with a lasting impression. In an epic storyline, resolution can be particularly impactful, as it often involves grand battles, personal triumphs, and sweeping themes.

The Role of Resolution in an Epic Storyline

In an epic storyline, resolution plays a critical role in defining the story's message and central themes. It brings together all the loose threads and storylines that have been building up throughout the book, movie or series, giving readers or viewers a satisfying conclusion. The resolution of an epic storyline can linger for years, bringing about beloved characters, memorable lines, or even entire cultures.

The Example of 'The Lord of the Rings'

An excellent example of resolution in an epic storyline is J.R.R Tolkien's 'The Lord of the Rings.' The trilogy's ending shows the hobbits returning home to the Shire, where they find it has been overrun, and they must fight to take it back. By the end of the book, the hobbits have grown into mature leaders, and the fight for the Shire reflects their greater struggles throughout the story, including their perseverance and moral fortitude. That scene, along with others throughout the trilogy, provides an unbreakable bond for an entire generation of readers, who feel they know the characters intimately due to the storytelling power of resolution.

Comparing Resolutions in Different Forms of Media

Different media present resolutions in different ways. For example, books offer more space for reflection and internal thought, while movies rely more heavily on visuals and music to convey emotions.

The Case for Books

Books provide an unrivaled opportunity to convey deep emotions and to explore internal character states through long passages of prose. When handled well, internal thought can provide readers with a profound attachment to the characters and their actions, making the resolution all the more important. However, this dependence on inner thought also makes books unsuited for portraying large-scale action sequences and battle scenes, which require more intricate choreography and visual effects.

The Case for Movies

Movies lend themselves excellently to portraying vivid, highly detailed scenes that allow for immediate emotional impact. They have the advantage of realism, with visuals and sound effects adding to an immersive experience while also relying on music to heighten emotion. However, movies often lack moments of intimate reflection, and character development is frequently given short shrift to accommodate big set pieces and action sequences.

The Most Memorable Resolutions in Popular Culture

Compared to other parts of a narrative, the resolution is the grand finale of the story, the climax after all of the story's buildup. Here are some memorable examples worth discussing:

'Star Wars' Original Trilogy Resolution

After Luke Starkiller valiantly rescued Princess Leia, fought against the Empire's plans for domination, and defeated Darth Vader, he saves his father, proving that there is at least a modicum of good in everyone. Of course, it isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Millions die trying to prevent another galactic massacre; however, the final shot of the original Star Wars trilogy feels like a reminder that, despite the darkness, there's still some hope left.

'Avengers: Endgame' Resolution

With the fate of the universe hanging in the balance, and half of all life having turned to dust, the remaining heroes band together to reverse everything, defeat Thanos once and for all, and bring back their fallen comrades. The emotionally charged ending brought 22 films to a close with poise and a sense of resolution for each character. Tony Stark sacrificed himself and Spider-man was with Iron Man in his final moments. Captain America went back in time to live with Peggy completely fulfilling his arc throughout all the films, and Falcon (Sam Wilson) was gifted the Captain America shield, setting up events in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the future.

The Importance of Resolving the Plot

Resolution is the capstone that brings the story to its natural conclusion. A bad resolution can ruin the experience, bringing dissatisfaction to the audience. In contrast, a good resolution can elevate the story, making it an unforgettable experience.

Character Development

One of the things that make resolutions so powerful is the character development that happens leading up to it. The satisfaction of seeing characters grow and change adds depth to their story arcs, providing the chance for people to relate to and become attached to the characters. In turn, the resolution brings a sense of accomplishment to the viewers, leaving them with feelings of hope, closure, and inspiration.


A good resolution brings a sense of closure to the story, allowing the viewer to look back at it and feel satisfied. That is why a great ending to a story is as important as the beginning because it guides the overall impression of the story.

The Lasting Effect on Pop Culture

Many stories resonate beyond their initial publication or release date due to a powerful resolution. Well-written resolutions that pack an emotional punch create the chance for the public to remember the story and continue talking about it long after its release year. This effect allows creators to create empires built around these stories by offering spin-off materials, merchandise, and even movies and shows.


In summary, resolution is an integral part of an epic storyline, communicating key messages and wrapping up all the plot threads. Done right, resolutions can move people to tears, inspire them to action, or leave them with a sense of wonder and awe. Whether it takes the form of a book, movie, or TV show, it is the vital final stage in a narrative that leaves a lasting legacy.

Resolving the Plot: Discovering the Power of Resolution in an Epic Storyline

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog about resolving the plot in epic stories. Whether you are a reader or a writer, understanding the importance of resolution is crucial to fully appreciating the journey of your favorite characters.

A well-executed resolution can leave a lasting impact on the audience, making them feel satisfied and fulfilled by the end of the story. It ties up loose ends, provides closure, and ultimately gives meaning to everything that came before it.

In any story, whether it be a novel, a movie, or a TV show, we invest our time and emotions into the characters and their struggles. Without a satisfying resolution, all that investment would feel like a waste of time.

So, whether you're a fan of Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones, a lover of literary classics or modern-day bestsellers, remember the power of resolution and how it can turn a good story into a truly memorable one.

Thank you for visiting, and happy reading!

People Also Ask about Resolving the Plot: Discovering the Power of Resolution in an Epic Storyline:

  1. What is a resolution in a story?
  2. A resolution in a story is the end of the story where all loose ends are tied up and conflicts are resolved. It is the part of the story where the protagonist achieves their goal, and the story comes to a satisfying conclusion.

  3. Why is resolution important in a story?
  4. Resolution is important in a story because it provides closure to the reader or audience. It ties up any loose ends, answers any questions raised during the story, and gives a sense of satisfaction to the audience. Without a resolution, a story can feel incomplete or unsatisfying.

  5. How does resolution contribute to the overall impact of a story?
  6. The resolution contributes to the overall impact of a story by providing a satisfying conclusion to the story. It can leave a lasting impression on the reader or audience, and can even change the way they view the story as a whole. A well-crafted resolution can elevate a story from good to great.

  7. What are some common elements of a resolution in a story?
  8. Some common elements of a resolution in a story include the protagonist achieving their goal, conflicts being resolved, loose ends being tied up, and a sense of closure being provided. The resolution should also be consistent with the rest of the story and feel natural, rather than forced or contrived.

  9. Can a resolution be open-ended?
  10. Yes, a resolution can be open-ended. An open-ended resolution leaves some questions unanswered, allowing the reader or audience to interpret the ending in their own way. This can be effective in certain types of stories, but it's important to ensure that there is still a sense of closure provided.

  11. What are some tips for writing a strong resolution?
  12. Some tips for writing a strong resolution include ensuring that it is consistent with the rest of the story, providing closure without feeling forced, and tying up any loose ends. It's also important to make sure that the resolution is satisfying to the reader or audience, and that it feels earned by the protagonist.